
The Epistle to the Romans is unavailable, but you can change that!

C. K. Barrett’s exegetical prowess, evidenced most distinctly in his volumes on the First and Second Epistles to the Corinthians, also in the Black’s series, has long been appreciated in the world of biblical studies. Now, in his long-awaited, newly revised, verse-by-verse exposition of Romans, Barrett further enhances our understanding of the book of Romans, early Christianity, the apostle Paul...

That the Epistle to the Romans was written by the apostle Paul is a proposition which it is unnecessary to discuss because it is not in dispute. That this epistle is the apostle’s greatest piece of sustained theological writing is self-evident. That its influence upon the life and thought of the Christian Church has been radical and far-reaching needs no demonstration; it suffices to mention the names of Augustine, Luther, Wesley, and Barth.
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